Stones and their formations have always attracted me, particularly stones, which are formed by nature and so became sculptures with an archaic touch. Twenty years ago I had my first experiences with the handling of stones. A friend of mine who is a sculptor made me interested in this kind of art. It was a fascinating and, simultaneously, the first intensive contact with art itself. In the following three years I acquired the necessary artistic and manual skills in cooperation with my art colleague. Not sculpture itself but the seeing and recognising of already existing organic structures, which I can bring to life, are responsible for my fascination, which made me go this way. Among the various stones which I use, there are erratic blocks from the “Mostviertel”, Austria, also rare ones like the blue “Aragonite” from Spain and Greece, or the “Morud Serpentin” from Norway. The developing of a sculpture is a process which already starts with the finding of stones and formations. This often takes place under extreme conditions. In my works of art the human being is always in the foreground. My sculptures are often very similar to human fragments. The smooth surfaces of the structures let you forget that it is actually a hard and heavy stone. Constantly searching for artistic ways of expressing myself, a certain style evolved which shows the fusing of organic forms and structures.
Sometimes the stones are disrupted and seem to be nearly transparent, so they gain a dimension, which can be compared to the human sublimation. In connection with water, which I consider as the second main element of my work, this optical illusion is even more emphasized.
1957 born in Biberbach, Lower Austria
1973-1976 apprenticeship to a skilled smith
1979-1981 and 1985 – 1987 qualification as an chem. analyst
1988-1990 qualification as a sculptor
Member of the Art Association – Gallery in the Brewery of Freistadt
Various journeys for study purposes to Scottland, Namibia, French, Eire, Norway, Spain, Greece, Persia, etc.